NYS NYC Impossible to report sexual assault etc + medical misconduct, NYPD IA etc erasing crimes for MD office?

No one's asking about NYPD from top cops to NYPD Sex Crimes bosses aka NYPD SVU + which doctors screened, Jeffrey Epstein's under age Victims here in New York because you know that he had them screened for STDs whether it was for him or whoever he was going to share his victims with.... 

Feds not interested along with the media that mostly killed all news for so many years like they were publicist for the criminals and their enablers....some are the same....

My case Office of dr Andrew 
Fagelman + NYPD IA crimes
 erasing crime lying in court
 to the City NYPD IA DA 
Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell
 more than enablers? …aultetc0crimesenablersny.blogspot.com/2023/06/nys-ny…NYS NYC Impossible
 to report sexual assault etc +
 medical misconduct, ..?
6/21/23, 12:03 PM
that link takes you to my first blog that I made without ever considering the level of retaliation criminality, including I believe federal crimes, and the government doesn't even need me to ever show up in person to prosecute some of the Crimes....

below, I explain, and then the link you can find more information they have enough to prosecute criminals in my case without me because there's a trail that is there that the NYC government has.... do you know how many investigators have looked at my case from the New York City Comptroller to corporation Counsel to Dept Of investigation to Internal Affairs to the 1st Precinct instead they protect it all crimes....

about corruption of tied to the New York PENSIONS, and let me guess the federal government has some of the same pension investments, as well as their shared MISOGYNY and Racism, and other prejudices? 

Suzannah B. Troy
⁦‪@WarrenBuffett‬⁩ ⁦‪@YahooFinance‬⁩
 under Bloomberg Idemand SAIC 
return taxpayer $+damages!
Yelled Mikedown 
ECTP 911 1B$ overBudget
 doesn't work at press conference
 race car co never moved2NYC 
flatlined Oct1)HurricaneSandy proved
 me right 2)Ray Kelly NYPD
 IA fixed violence me
assaulted Google Dr Fagelman assault pic.twitter.com/1tvqLXW0t0
2/27/19, 8:23 AM
i'm waiting for Justice in apologies, accountability and also financial compensation for years and years of lying including in courts obstructing justice, but I'd also like an apology from Travelers board for what went on in their corporate office in a room  where James Toomey's appointed lawyer strategy was to mock the violence. My patient rights violated, and I wanna know if any HIPAA violations occurred, including sharing any medical information I got because over and over it seems in how many cases perpetrators aren't happy with getting away with so many crimes they keep committing more and more?  

The level of threats intimidations to Victims, the shocking amount of threats just to me  in my case involving a doctors office, Dr Andrew Fagelman's office and he caters to NYPD officers as well as government, and Delita Hooks the perpetrator in my case, involving the physical violence remember my Rudin protest signs, demanding a trauma level, one hospital, rather than condos, the violence, the threats to me staggering, the level of criminality, including falsifying, police reports and conspiring to lie and how many courts, shocking and   staggering!

Jeffrey Epstein, and Bill Rudin hired Howard Rubenstein, and in my book I tell you was nickname and I was a critic of Rubenstein as well....

in 2000 and I had a letter published in the financial Times, and I talked about women lagging behind with basic human rights, economic power and also how we are seeing objectified. I often talked about that in my art, but I know most people weren't smart enough to get it sadly.

Who new years after getting that letter published 12 years after my basic human rights, my body would be violated. It would probably take the economic power of Tom Cruise to get justice and the media to even bother to report the devastating level of criminality involved in obstructing justice in my case. I was discriminated against as many people are it could be my race religion politics, sexuality, but it was also my activism, my whistleblowing, including on technology contracts, corruption tied to One Police Plaza, City Hall, and the PENSIONS during the Michael Bloomberg arrow with Rudy, Giuliani, roots, Billdeblasio and now ongoing  with Eric Adams administration, including CityTime which allowed criminals like NYPD Sex crimes, Lieutenant Lamboy who i'm guessing was also in Internal Affairs at some point, and his corrupt career who stole  overtime on rape cases while working for Cy Vanve 1 hogan place and 1 police plaza....

some of the very same top, NYPD brass protected him like that clear the way for dirty cops like Det. Andrew Dwyer in my case to get promoted...

NYPD l starting in federal court that I was not coerced one I was and by the way, I never got to meet Ron Kuby I had emergency surgery on my retina Friday and then only I was to be arrested Saturday at 4 PM even if I drop dead....
there's federal proof that in Federal Court,, Detective john Vergona, lied and federal appellate through Jonathan Popolow as his corporation council lawyer, that he did not know I was Jewish when the city has an email from October 16, 2012 confirming he knew I was Jewish and so did two of NYPD rig Kelly's, Community Affairs, DETECTIVES Martin Brown, and Det Duffy. 

Delita Hooks committed so many PERJURIES it's overwhelming like lying, and she was stalk my me when she came out from behind the desk to stalk me.  she lied about how she got my name saying she got it from social media but I'm grateful for truths that she did tell like she targeted me from the moment I sat down. I would like to know if someone pointed her out to me why was she obsessed with me? Why would she lie that she did not remeber me from prior visits?

she did admit Underoath that only I was to be arrested that she was never told to turn herself in.

so that is also proof, Detective john Vergona lied in federal appellate through his corporation council voyeur Jonathan Popolow that he would have a rest of us both when he was only going to arrest me and for not dropping charges.

Reality delete a HOOKs committed so many crimes and the police fabricated a mutual third-degree assault with a goal to make me drop charges and I believe Dr. Andrew FAGELMAN was in the loop and a short this would go away...

i'm guessing James Toomey travelers insurance with the help of an associate at Fogerty Junior were fairly confident they can make this go away

why? Because my life like many victims in New York has no value compared to the it may be easiest to see it in the Jeffrey Epstein case with NYPD advising Jeffrey Epstein he didn't have to do court-appointed checkins, and I want to know more about that, including the judges response, in fact, all judges responses that have the position of power regarding ethical behavior in court in New York State.

in 2015 only the New York Daily News was willing to report at the Manhattan DA Cy Vance and ADA Jennifer Gaffney try to lower, Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status...

no other paper or media outlet would report it in fact, George Stephanopoulos in Katy Keric dying to Jeffrey Epstein's house 9 e 71 and i'm wondering powered Rubenstein had something to do with that and look at Rubenstein's connections to the NYPD and the Manhattan DA .... also, if you wanna understand about how corporation Counsel and One Police Plaza conspired a LYING obstruct justice in our cases look to Larry Byrne who used 50a to obstruct justice even more in our cases and his attitude according to an article now impossible to find in the New York daily news where he tells Judge Weinstein Nypd Perjury is no big deal I can't help but think James Toomey travelers insurance shares that same attitude as every corporation council player in my case, who is willing to lie, obstruct justice, and withhold a letter threatening me that I believe Joe Tacopina Drafted in the letter, such a shockingly, overly aggressive and stupid letter, and possibly crime detective, Andrew Dwyer with holds the letter and he's promoted to the NYPD FBI task force, the same test for separated, epstein, and MAXWELL's property?

so if you violate civil rights in our party to lying in court, starting with federal, you get promoted to the NYPD FBI task force to do what erase more Crimes....?


see this letter..? it took half a decade to get it, and when I foiled it freedom of information act request, One Police Plaza LEGal Division they cited 50a!

Larry Bryne crafted 58 as an obstruction of justice blocker in our case and I was told they needed to protect Detective Andrew Dwyer's information. I said, go ahead and redact anything involving Dwyer's privacy.  

I first learned about this letter, maybe six months after the attack in a meeting with internal Affairs Sgt Mary O'Donnell and her partner.  

she showed me the letter said case closed because I drop charges, but she wouldn't give me a copy and she missed lead me to believe that Dwyer was spelled Drier.  How? I accidentally handed her my notes and she was contacted by me which she please return them, and she never did of course not she knew that I had misspelled his name. There was traumatized, overwhelmed in shock, and she took advantage of it..

I called the 1st Precinct and I spoke to a detective Delpozo, who I think was an innocent, naïve young man and I myself was so naïve. I had no idea that the name was  helped me to get the actual name spelled correctly.

another dirty cop was Lieutenant Michael J Agnese from the Integrity division, but there was no one with Integrity that was going to help me to get the correct spelling, so every legal filing I spelled his name wrong.

Delita Hooks false cross complain it took I think I must a year of calling to Precinct, and finally getting one honest cop...

I had walked over to the police station because Internal Affairs, who had called and alerted that the precinct wasn't answering. The phone had told me to call 911 but I said I didn't want to even when I got to the precinct public member marks told me to call 911 and walk back to the doctors office and I said I'm not safe. I don't feel safe to even go back and wait there for NYPD to respond and I don't know how long they would take to respond. I told Public member mark said the spousal abuse. Division was supposed to photograph me as per Internal Affairs the violence to my body the damage to my I my arm, but he said they had left for the day....

Open till NYPD police officer eugene schatz the first cop, I ever reported to Internal Affairs, and for abuse of power for his car for the MERCER hotel, and it didn't occur to me at the time the Jeffrey Epstein's special friend and Ghislaine Maxwell's boyfriend however, brief their relationship on the MERCER hotel, and if NYPD were doing fixing in favors for epstein and MAXWELL, I can't imagine what was going on in that hotel... 

The mercer  hotel, along with a character named Henry Buhl who made introductions for Vesco and SCANDAL that predates Bernie mad off we're getting catering from Ed Winski and 1 police plaza as well as internal affairs....

i've also contacted Internal Affairs about a fake NYPD placard in a car parked in front of the MERCER hotel and of course, the conveniently went nowhere as well...

in 2015, the New York daily news makes this report they don't go into depth about how this happens who pull the strings and why that would be because Jeffrey Epstein was before to the freedom and luxuries. He enjoyed in the Virgin Islands much earlier, at least as early as 2011 I contacted the New York Post that he was in the free sex offender app but not even the FBI. The feds US attorney Southern District in Manhattan DA or NYPD Sex crimes wanted that shared along with a fact his office as I knew firsthand was right behind St. Patrick's Cathedral

look up the address in the letter and you'll see where Jeffrey Epstein's office was in the feds FBI the media did not want to share that because it's right behind Saint Patrick's Cathedral!!! 

in the free sex offender app, you would see Jeffrey Epstein's addresses, and one of the different free apps showed you the New York address, which was right by a children's park in Central Park and a school. 

again the media killed news about the Manhattan, DA and a sexual assault up an intern just wasn't newsworthy just like my case but what's interesting about the article is the intern is terrified of retaliation and believe me she had a good reason to be I had committed no crime so I was a Whistleblower on massive corruption involving the payroll system, and the 911 tech system and like all the whistleblowers, the government protected retaliation against us, or marginalizing us, or ignoring us ....

ask nyc got Dept Of investigation how many times safe rewarded whistleblowers, and how many were actually retaliated against besides me and Jane doe....  

Jane Doe worked in nyc gov doitt and if you want to look up her lawsuit under Michael Bloomberg, so many women suit from that Division that's why Bloomberg eventually hired a woman to be in charge of that division....

every time I audio taped NYPD IA DA  obstructing justice from Bloomberg to Deblasio era = women gov employees... when it comes to corruption in OBSTRUCTION New, York, City government it's a boys  club with women's club in MISOGYNIST men love to have women do the dirty work as the audios that I posted on YouTube Suzannahartist under the playlists on corruption, you can listen to them.

The teenager who is sexually abused by 2 NYPD, detectives was also harassed intimidated, but it wasn't by woman cops lying to them, obstructing justice like in my case, including NYPD Sex Cimes aka SVU det Vasquez lying to me that I was not sexually assaulted when ADA Nitin Savur confirmed that I was, he said he would talk to Joan Illuzzi  and Siobhan Berry , and get back to me and I knew I'd never hear from him again...

it makes me again wonder about the same Precinct, the first precinct Det. squad that openly broke laws openly in my case. They also have the Etan patz case and Joan Illuzzi so ambitious in Corrupt so I'm really worried you can look up. There's a woman FBI agent that's retired that believes that the DA PROSECUTED, the wrong man and so do I!

Joan admitted to me in front of Siobhan Berry and Jones intern Dennis that I was a victim of a false cross complaint second-degree assault and menacing and that the doctor and his employees should not be discussing me with patient and the patient should be harassing me but when I told her about the threats me, including one, I believe by Joe Tacopina a Cunt threat to see the tables turned. She asked me why would he do that and she didn't want the answer....

on a federal level, it can be a hate crime, false arresting me the BABBLING Jew
       on the Sabbath -- Federal Crimes LYING in federal court, including very specific lies, and federal appeallate by the Det. John Vergona ....

but it may be also a Federal, Crimes, Threatening, and VICTIM, during an open investigation, and using the hatred word for women CUNT so would that be a federal hate crime? And I alerted Google their legal team YouTube Legal team and their US Marshal to Google youtube era at that time yiu could email them ...

I was also a Google YouTube partner for YouTube channel, but that has been taken away from me for lack of views and followers.  I also believe I've been delisted and so many efforts have been made to flag me remove my work remove the Wikipedia page about me, etc..

if you don't know about the Manhattan DA is horrific protection of a doctor then look up this case about the gynecologist it's...

this article about the NYPD in Jeffrey Epstein, slip by the boys club in MISOGYNIST hate club  that runs a New York Post, but they made sure not to follow up on the story just like they killed news for the Bloomberg administration about Citytime and SAIC....

besides, the New York Post deleting article that I saw it on the front page of my federal lawsuit

see the article I quote on the front page my federal lawsuit. My Judge was Alison Nathan by the way the New York Post also deleted an article that embarrasses Queen Elizabeth's son Prince Andrew, and the fact that he and ghislaine Maxwell went to S&M dinner club in Chelsea New York....

I gave information to New York Post, REPORTERS, and 1 reporter  wrote a powerful article about denault  suing SAIC, and winning the lawsuit ... his bosses killed the article in shortly after he left the New York Post.
JM initials...

later, I would learn that SAIC would have to pay over 20 million for Denaukt's legal bills... this company so powerfully connected to the White House think about it at the time look who is on their board way back and who brought them in to overbilled grossly, but Rudy Giuliani, who is a lobbyist for them and some of his deputy mayor's well Mike Bloomberg let them overbilled $700 million....CityTime the payroll system that allows dirty corrupt NYPD to steal overtime like NYPD lt lamboy on rape cases....

mISOGYNIST Corrupt, chief of detectives Chief Robert Boyce blocked me on Twitter and he was a protector of mass of corruption, but so was it is Chief Banks and his assistant Lt Gannon.

Gannon told me it's against the NYPD policy to allow Victims like me who is Sue the NYPD to upgrade crimes... (in cases were NYPD are making Crimes disappear for the rich, the connected their friends, or because the retaliating... because were critics and/or our lives, have no value...???

Jeffrey Epstein hired Howard Rubenstein, who is also the publicist for Bill Rudin
Rudin luxury condos.... I even wonder if Rubenstein had Rudin higher, the retired NYPD commander who tried to fix a ticket for the billionaire Rudin  in front of me while I protestant, we need a trauma level one..

this is me a hours before the assault protesting, that we need a trauma level, one hospital with a Raped crisis center, by the way, and who new pandemic would prove me more than right...

months before the attack there's a photo of me at the bottom of this large article sitting on a bench with Giuseppe Logan, who no longer can I visit because of the trauma of what was done to me at a doctors. He died at a nursing home where I did visit him once in Canadian crew had been there because of my work they were filming him.

If Delita Hooks used or uses the race card it is even more offensive what was done to me a medical patient the lies, the rush to demonize me to protect their crime upon crime. Including later I was to learn during a deposition that she was not an American citizen, so she was rewarded for how many crimes breaking more laws she's rewarded with American citizenship where my dad served in World War II died, knowing I was treated like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany and for me it started when she yelled at me who are you? You have no RIGHTs!

City council members with the exception of Charles Baron, and Tony .....
voted for luxury condos. It was shocking all these women that consider themselves feminists, including Tish James who did fear retaliation I know because I met her the first time it was at a meeting local 375  to talk about Citytime SAIC corruption and I said I'd look into it the corruption investigated, and I found some information that showed SAIC had major scandals ...

Tish said at that meeting she was worried that Christine Quinn with withhold money from her district....

I went home and did a YouTube about SAIC corruption and that we should not renew the contract and if the meeting I spoke and I had said we should not renew it but one of the leaders said that they would have a choice, but I was right ultimately and the reason I was proofread it was because the comptroller for Albany terminated the contract and banned SAIC.

mikeBloomberg and Stephanie mayors one who had marked us when I went to testify that we need an investigation and prosecution of SAIC and ECTP 911 tech crooks -- mocked us and they had to eat their words.

it was epic. We got back, mega millions from SAIC, but they were no rest of any government officials for their role and SAIC make sure no rest above a certain level everyone was Teflon. They were able to take their stocks in cash out and get soft landings? 

meanwhile, Jane doe was arrested precinct in a Manhattan DA just told her stay out of trouble and I was to be arrested by the 1st Precinct if I didn't drop charges and Det. John Vergona wouldn't meet me except a false arrest me he told me don't contact him and to keep my head down! 

me with bloodied eye -- talking about the tech corruption under Bloomberg 911 tech and the payroll system CityTime -- this YouTube is before I post a video of the attack. We are Delita HOOKs, who lied under oath, shouldn't have nicknames ... Delite and Dee -- had her friend "AJohn" start what would be almost a decade of gaslighting trying to convince me what was done to me, was my fault....

as I said, I'm relieved she's admitted she targeted me from the moment I sat down now she claims I move my chair a few inches in that angered her....

ADA joan illuzzi like ADA jennifer gaffney the Manhattan DA  clear the way for evenMORE Crimes mycase the Epstein case...


it may be easiest to see it in the Jeffrey Epstein case with NYPD advising Jeffrey Epstein he didn't have to do court-appointed checkins, and I want to know more about that, including the judges response, in fact, all judges responses that have the position of power regarding ethical behavior in court in New York State.

in 2015 only the New York Daily News was willing to report at the Manhattan DA Cy Vance and ADA Jennifer Gaffney try to lower, Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status...

no other paper or media outlet would report it in fact, George Stephanopoulos in Katy Keric dying to Jeffrey Epstein's house 9 e 71 and i'm wondering powered Rubenstein had something to do with that and look at Rubenstein's connections to the NYPD and the Manhattan DA .... also, if you wanna understand about how corporation Counsel and One Police Plaza conspired a LYING obstruct justice in our cases look to Larry Byrne who used 50a to obstruct justice even more in our cases and his attitude according to an article now impossible to find in the New York daily news where he tells Judge Weinstein Nypd Perjury is no big deal I can't help but think James Toomey travelers insurance shares that same attitude as every corporation council player in my case, who is willing to lie, obstruct justice, and withhold a letter threatening me that I believe Joe Tacopina Drafted in the letter, such a shockingly, overly aggressive and stupid letter, and possibly crime detective, Andrew Dwyer with holds the letter and he's promoted to the NYPD FBI task force, the same test for separated, epstein, and MAXWELL's property?

so if you violate civil rights in our party to lying in court, starting with federal, you get promoted to the NYPD FBI task force to do what erase more Crimes....?
